C3 Bible Ministry Degree Scholarship
This scholarship is intended to be an investment in students who wish to train for a Bible Ministry Degree at an approved, Restoration Movement Bible College (undergraduate). Recipients will be determined annually by the C3 Scholarship Committee who represent the C3 Elders.
The amount is determined annually and will be indicated on an award certificate to be presented to the student, which can be given to the school.
First Time Scholarship Application, located below, must be submitted by August 1st if starting in the Fall semester, and December 1st if starting in the Spring.
Currently, the value of the scholarship is:
Year 1: $750/semester
Year 2: $1,000/semester
Year 3: $1,250/semester
Year 4: $1,500/semester
Who is eligible for the Scholarship?
First Time Applicant: A student who has been actively involved with C3 for at least one year prior to High School Graduation.
Renewal Applicant: A student who is actively attending and serving at a local church for at least one year prior to renewal. OCC Students must actively attend and serve at C3.
Scholarship Requirements
Student must possess and maintain Christian character, purity and integrity in personal conduct, relationships and academics. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate any failures in these areas to the school and a C3 Scholarship Committee member in order to enter into an accountability and mentoring relationship.
Student must have and maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA each academic year. Student must release grades to be sent to C3 at the end of each semester. If student loses the scholarship at the end of an academic year, it may be renewed following the completion of one semester by reaching a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
Student must maintain a full time academic status (12 hours). If in a cooperative agreement, student must maintain a full time status between the two institutions. Scholarship will be applied up to, but not in excess of direct Bible college costs (tuition, fees, room and board). Bible colleges will be notified to not issue refunds of any remaining scholarship dollars to student, but credit may be carried over to the following semester.
Student will be required to complete a survey and meet with a C3 Scholarship Committee member annually. Contact Jordan Woodring, jordan@cartervillechrisitan.com, to schedule a meeting with a C3 Scholarship Committee member.
OCC students are asked to contribute to the ministry and community of C3, and must actively attend and serve at C3. Students are required to notify the C3 Scholarship Committee if they receive a paid internship/ministry that prevents them from attending and serving at C3. This does not disqualify a student from further scholarship assistance; however, the C3 Scholarship Committee must be notified for accountability. Students are required to notify C3 if the paid internship/ministry ceases in order to discuss future plans.
C3 Scholarship Committee Members
Matt Harenza
Damien Spikereit
Austin Weece
Jordan Woodring